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How does it feel to have your novel, which discusses the unjust treatment of Black people in the legal system, published during a worldwide Black Lives Matter movement?

How does it feel to have your novel, which discusses the unjust treatment of Black people in the legal system, published during a worldwide Black Lives Matter movement?

It’s surreal. It’s confusing. It’s hard for me to actually want to promote my book.

Writing is this thing I started to do later in life. I’m a full, triple-job professional with a career so I don’t need it financially; I do it for a different reason. I don’t want people to think I’m taking advantage or see this as a promotional opportunity. But I also do think of this as a way for people to read my book and maybe actually understand.

It’s so horrific to be able to witness what happened to George Floyd and it’s also so painful because if it was a white woman that an officer was doing that to, they would never have shown the video of that! If so, there would be warnings, it would be blacked out, and they would say it was too traumatic to show.

I’ve continued to try to promote and talk about my book, but I have almost tripled my effort in supporting other Black authors who write about things like fantasy, magic, love and joy. I am putting all of my energy in doing everything I can in the background to support these authors because now I might have a platform. It’s part of being in a community with Black folks and other Black writers.

When I was writing, I really felt like there was an otherworldly influence to keep writing this book because there were these reminders from the universe that I was on the right path and doing the right thing.

At the beginning of the pandemic, I was so sad because I thought no one was going to read my book. It’s already so complex and touches a lot of themes that people don’t want to talk about.

I was getting good reviews, but no one was really talking about it because I don’t think it’s something people like to read about.
But now I see there was a purpose for me to have written this book. I wanted people to do more than just read the book. It’s a call to action! I am proud of my work, but it is painful.

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