Question:What do you hope your readers take away with them after reading THIS IS MY AMERICA?
I wanted to center the story around an amazing family, a teen with remarkable friends, and provide a much needed look at complex issue around race, justice, and the brokenness of our prison industrial complex.
I hope readers rip through this thrilling story, then read again to picture themselves as Tracy. Jamal. Corinne. James. Quincy. Tasha. Dean. Every character, with each of their threads and experiences. Everyone has a role, and sometimes it takes reading from another perspective or a closer look at the issue. It’s a rich story that I also hope leaves readers inspired and ready to voice for change.
I hope readers are not only enthralled with the story, but recognize the Beaumont family represent experiences of too many Black families—the threat of a family’s hopes and dreams can be disrupted at any moment. I want readers to leave the book and hungry for more books with Black main characters across all genres and categories.